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Friday, May 25, 2012

05/26 - Daily Recap (First Night Photography)

Not much to shoot today, so I had to try and get creative. I was in Keene at a friends, and happened to notice the terrible condition of this house. I see shots composed similar to this one all the time online, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Falling Apart

I also saw a few really powerful shots of very simple subjects, and gave my best effort given what I could find around my friend's house.

Front Deck


And here's a quick portrait I took of my friend Nate later in the afternoon.


In addition to the daytime shooting, I tried night photography for the first time. For the shot you see below, I used a tripod and a 4 second exposure at ISO200. Again, there really wasn't much to shoot but I'm pretty happy to see that the E-PL1 is capable of night shooting even with its pretty poor ISO performance.

Night Test Shot

Overall, I'd call the day a success given how little effort I put into finding subjects to shoot. I'd say my goal for tomorrow is to go out of my way to find more interesting subjects. In particular, I need to build up more courage so I won't be afraid to shoot people on the streets. Keene is filled with interesting people, and I owe it to myself to start photographing them. I hope to post another update tomorrow.

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